7 Ways to Use BookFunnel for Reader Engagement


Done with your book? Now comes the hard part…marketing…

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

So, you’ve written a book. Congrats! Now comes the hard part: getting people to actually read it.

That’s where BookFunnel steps in like the superhero you didn’t know you needed.

It’s not just a tool for delivering digital books to your readers — it’s a powerhouse for building engagement.

Let’s talk about how to use BookFunnel to get readers hooked on your work.

Here we go.

The Basics — What Is BookFunnel?

First off, if you’re unfamiliar, BookFunnel is like the FedEx of the self-publishing world.

It delivers your eBooks directly to your readers’ devices, but that’s just scratching the surface.

BookFunnel also allows you to manage promotions, collect emails, and create landing pages, all while making sure your book is available in formats everyone can read.

Think of it as the Swiss Army knife for indie authors. Just like how you wouldn’t use one knife to open a wine bottle and slice cheese, BookFunnel gives you multiple tools to engage your readers in different ways.

Why does this matter?

Well, in the digital age, it’s all about access. If your readers can’t easily download your book, guess what?

They’ll move onto the next book.

BookFunnel ensures that doesn’t happen.

1. Sending Freebies Without a Hitch

Free stuff? Always a good idea, right?

When you offer a free book to your readers, you want it to be seamless.

BookFunnel makes it ridiculously easy to send readers a free copy of your book without making them jump through hoops.

You can give away prequels, short stories, or even exclusive chapters to whet their appetite for more.

Remember how Spotify lets you sample music before buying an album?

This is kind of like that but for books. BookFunnel lets you send out advanced reader copies (ARCs) and special downloads, and readers can open them in whatever format they prefer — Kindle, Apple Books, Nook, you name it.

No more tech issues, no more confusion, just your book delivered straight into their eager hands.

And who doesn’t love a good freebie?

2. Building Your Mailing List with BookFunnel

You’ve heard it before: “The money is in the list.” Yeah, it’s a tired phrase, but it’s true.

BookFunnel can be a game-changer for building your mailing list.

When you offer free books or exclusive content, readers need to enter their email address to get the goods.

Voila! Instant lead generation. And not just any leads — these are people who actually want to read your stuff.

It’s like that time when Beyoncé dropped a surprise album and broke the internet.

You’re basically giving your fans exclusive access, but instead of music, it’s your next bestseller.

People love feeling like they’re part of something special, and that’s what BookFunnel does for your readers.

Once you’ve got those emails, you can send out updates, sneak peeks, or personalized thank-you notes.

The point is to build a relationship, not just a list. Think of it like dating — nobody wants to feel like they’re just one of a thousand people on your list.

3. Joining BookFunnel Promotions

Think of BookFunnel promotions as cross-promotion on steroids. You can join forces with other authors to share readers and grow your audience.

Here’s how it works: authors group their books together in a themed giveaway, and readers who download one book get access to all the others.

It’s like a potluck where everyone brings their best dish, and the readers get to feast.

Picture it: You’re an author who writes cozy mysteries, and you team up with five other authors in your genre.

Readers who download your freebie suddenly have access to five more books they’re probably going to love.

Now they’re hooked on all of you.

This is like Avengers assembling but with words instead of superpowers.

Your reader base grows exponentially, and so does your mailing list.

It’s also a great way to get in front of readers who might never have found you otherwise.

One minute they’re reading some other author’s book, the next they’re devouring yours because it came in a bundle.

5. Creating Landing Pages That Convert

Let’s talk about landing pages.

In a world of online distractions, you’ve got about five seconds to grab someone’s attention.

A solid landing page is key to converting curious browsers into loyal readers.

BookFunnel helps you create custom landing pages where you can showcase your book, offer a free download, and collect email addresses.

Don’t know how to design a landing page? That’s okay — BookFunnel’s got templates. And they work.

You don’t need to be a tech genius to make it happen. Just think about the last time you were scrolling through Instagram, saw an ad for some must-have product (probably targeted right at your late-night Googling habits), and clicked through to buy it.

A good landing page can do that for your book.

You can even add personalized thank-you messages or redirect readers to your website after they’ve grabbed your freebie.

The goal? To keep them on your radar long after they’ve read your book.

6. Getting Feedback from Readers

Reader feedback is gold. No, seriously.

Feedback helps you grow as a writer and gives you insight into what your audience wants more of (or less of).

BookFunnel makes it easy to collect feedback from your readers, whether they’re downloading your book for free or purchasing it.

You can set up a feedback request form right after they finish downloading your book.

It’s like Amazon’s “Leave a review” prompt but friendlier.

Imagine getting real-time comments from your readers about what worked and what didn’t.

It’s like having your own focus group. Sure, it might sting a bit if someone didn’t love your plot twist, but wouldn’t you rather know?

Plus, those glowing comments can be turned into testimonials or blurbs for your next book.

And if you’re like me, you’ll laugh a little too hard at any complaints that clearly missed the point.

“Too much adventure in this action novel” is my favorite bad review I’ve ever seen.

7. Managing Direct Sales with Ease

Who doesn’t want to make more money?

BookFunnel can help you sell books directly to your readers. That’s right — no middleman.

If you’re tired of giving Amazon or other retailers a hefty cut of your royalties, selling direct through BookFunnel might be the solution.

You can offer your readers exclusive discounts, special editions, or even signed copies, and they’ll feel like they’re getting the VIP treatment.

It’s like going to a concert and getting backstage passes. Readers feel closer to you, and you get to pocket more of the profits. Win-win, right?

Plus, you can integrate BookFunnel with platforms like PayPal or Stripe to make the payment process a breeze.

Readers get their book, you get paid, and everyone’s happy.

Making the Most of BookFunnel

So, is BookFunnel worth it? Absolutely.

It’s not just a tool — it’s a complete ecosystem for engaging with your readers and growing your fan base.

Whether you’re using it to send freebies, build your mailing list, or sell books directly, BookFunnel has the potential to level up your author game.

Imagine what your favorite indie authors could have done with BookFunnel when they first started out.

Heck, maybe your next big author discovery will be using it right now.

The point is, you don’t want to be left behind while other authors build stronger connections with their readers.

BookFunnel takes the headache out of digital book delivery and turns it into an opportunity.

Not just to sell books, but to cultivate readers who will come back for more, time and time again.

Happy selling!

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Author Shanea Patterson - SP Publishing

I write about books, publishing, and self-promotion for authors. I write book reviews and compare publishing tools. Also write about TV/movies, & travel stuff.